bbc뉴스로 영어 공부하기영어 공부 2024. 4. 4. 10:38728x90반응형SMALL
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China says TikTok ban would 'come back to bite' the US
US officials have long expressed concern about TikTok, citing potential national security risks.
[US officials : 미국 관리당국]
[have long expressed concern: 오랫동안 우려를 표해왔다.]
[citing : 이유를 들다.]
Ex) He cited his heavy workload as the reason for the his breakdown(그는 신경 쇠약에 걸린 이유를 거의 과중한 업무량으로 설명했다.)
TikTok's owners have repeatedly rejected that it poses any threat.
[pose : 위협 문제들을 제기하다]
Ex) pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk
[bipartisan: 양당의]
Wang Wenbin accused the US of "suppressing TikTok" despite the fact that it "never found evidence that TikTok threatens national security."
[suspress: 진압하다]
[despise: ~임에도 불구하고]
The move was similarly pilloried by Chinese media with several newspapers featuring satirical cartoons ridiculing the US effort to ban the app
[pilloried : 강력히 비판하다.]
Ex) He was regularly pilloried by the press for his radical ideas
[featuring : 특집으로 다루다.]
[satirical: 풍자적인]
[ridiculing: 조롱하는, 비웃는]
the Global Times, accused the US of "ugly behaviour" and abusing "the concept of national security" to seize the app "by force".
[accuse A of B]
1. 고발하다. 기소하다. 혐의를 제기하다.
2. 비난하다.
[abuse : 남용, 오용]
Ex) alchol/drug/solvent abuse: 지나친 음주/약물/ 남용, 본드 흡입
Ex) Childhood abuse: 아동 학대
1. 꽉잡다
2. 장악하다, 점령하다
Ex) they seize the airport in a surprise attack(그들이 기습 공격으로 그 공항을 장악했다.)
[by force : 강제로, 힘으로]
The government was overthrown by force.
As is the case with other social media platforms, TikTok is banned in China.
[As is the case with]
1. 과거 일어났던 일과 비슷한 일 언급
2. 전형적인 무언가 가리킬 때
Ex) As is the case with other students, I had no money during college.
Ex)After the race she was tired, as is the case with most runners of a marathon.
[censorship: 검열]
[be subject to]
1. ~을 당하기 쉬운
Ex) it subjects to monitoring and censorship by the goverment
Cf. be subjected to ~을 받다(당하다)
Ex) be subjected to severe criticism/a misconstruction/pressure(혹평을 받다/오해를 받다/압력을 받다)
2. 지배를 받는, 종속 된
3. Be subject to ~ 대상이다.
4. ~을 받다(부정적)
China: Marriages rise for the first time in nine years
China has seen falling birth rates for decades after imposing a controversial one child-policy in the 1980s
1. (새로운 법을) 도입하다.
2. 강요하다
3. (힘들거나 불쾌한 것을) 부과하다.
4. 형용사로 인상적인, 눈길을 끄는
China's Premier Li Qiang pledged that the government would work towards "a birth-friendly society and promote long term, balanced population development."
[China’s Premier: 중국 총리]
[pledge: 약속하다]
The country's state planner also vowed in a report published in March to improve policies to boost birth rates by reducing the cost of childbirth, parenting and education, and also refine parental leave policies.
[refine: 정제하다, 개선하다]
Many in China had been choosing to stay single during an economic slowdown. Young women have also been wary of tying the knot over concerns that revised property laws favour male ownership.
[economic slowdown: 경기 침체]
[be wary of: ~을 조심하다]
The latest figures also show the number of couples filing for divorce in 2023 went up - a total of 2.59 million couples registered for uncontested divorces - where neither spouse objects. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has not yet released the number of those being contested.
[filling for : 신청하다. Filling for divorce]
[contested: 다툼의 이론이 있는 / uncontested divorce]
As well as this, policymakers are also grappling with a rapidly ageing population, with roughly 300 million Chinese people expected to retire in the coming decade - the equivalent of almost the entire US population.
[grapple with a problem: 문제를 붙들고 씨름하다]
[the equivalent of: ~와 맞먹는]
As marriage rates are closely tied to birth rates, some observers expect an uptick in marriages could lead to more babies.
[uptick: 경미한 증가, 약간의 증가]
South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world and its population is expected to halve by 2100
[halve: 반으로 줄다]
Gucci sales to fall by 20% due to Asia slowdown
Gucci is estimated to get more than a third of its sales from China, whose economy has been struggling.
[경제가 계속 어려워 지고 있는]
Former Brazil international Robinho arrested to serve rape sentence
Former Brazil international football player Robinho has been arrested to serve a nine-year prison sentence for rape.
[serve (out) a sentence : 복역하다]
Ex) serve a life sentence(종신형을 살다)
Ex) serve a sentence in jail
Ex) serve a nine-year prison sentence
He was convicted two years ago in Italy for his part in the gang rape of an Albanian woman at a night club in Milan in 2013.
[convicted : 유죄로 결정된]
[gang rape: 집단 강간]
a court in Brazil upheld the decision and also ruled that he should serve his time behind bars instead of under house arrest.
[uphold: 옹호하다, 지지하다]
[rule: 판결하다 라는 뜻도 있음]
a Supreme Court judge rejected a request to halt his detention.
[halt : 중단하다]
[detention: 구금]
Apple lawsuit: US accuses tech giant of monopolising smartphone market
The US has filed a landmark lawsuit against Apple
[file a lawsuit : 소송을 제기하다]
[monopolising the smartphone market: 스마트폰 시장을 독과점하다]
the justice department alleges the company abused its control of the iPhone app store to "lock in" customers and developers.
[alledge : 주장하다]
It accuses the firm of taking illegal steps to thwart apps seen as a threat and make rival products less appealing.
[thwart: 좌절시키다 = frustrate
Apple has vowed to "vigorously" fight the lawsuit and denies the claims.
[vow: 1. 맹세하다 2. 확실하게 하다]
Moscow attack: Russian court charges four men with act of terrorism
Russia has charged four men it says attacked a Moscow concert hall and killed at least 137 people.
[charge : 기소하다]
it carried out Friday's outrage at Crocus City Hall, and posted video.
1. 명사 격노 분노
2. 명사 잔학 행위, 잔인무도한 일
3. 동사 격분하게 만들다.
Russian officials have claimed, without evidence, Ukrainian involvement. Kyiv says the claim is "absurd".
[absurd: 우수꽝 스러운, 터무니 없는, 불합리, 부조리]
[crosshairs : 십자선]
The alert was roundly dismissed as propaganda by the Kremlin and an attempt to meddle in its presidential election.
1. (고려할 가치가 없다고) 묵살 하다.
2. (생각,느낌을) 떨쳐 버리다.
3. 해고하다.
[meddle in : 간섭하다, 참견하다]
European flying car technology sold to China
Hebei Jianxin Flying Car Technology Company, headquartered in Cangzhou, has purchased exclusive rights to manufacture and use AirCar aircraft inside an undisclosed area.
[exclusive right : 독점적인 권리]
[undisclosed: 밝혀지지 않은, 미공개의]
[mundane: 재미없는, 일상적인]728x90반응형LIST